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CM Archive Book Review line

Compiled by Katherine Farris
Toronto, Greey de Pencier Books/Books from
OWL, 1993. 64pp, paper, ISBN 1-895688-05-1
(paper) $9.95, ISBN 1-895688-09-4 (cloth)
$16.95. Distributed by Firefly Books. CIP

Subject Headings:
Natural history-Miscellanea-Juvenile literature.
Science-Miscellanea-Juvenile literature.

Grades 3-8 / Ages 8-13

Reviewed by Pat Steenbergen

Volume 22 Number 1
1994 January / February

The New Kids' Question and Answer Book follows a long tradition o f compilations o f questions sent to OWL magazine. Other titles include   Kids' Question and Answer Book (Greey de Pencier Books/Books from OWL, 1987),   I Didn't Know That¹ and  Would You Believe It?² This volume is restricted to questions about the environment and nature but is still very wide-ranging.

Some of the questions are grouped by topic: for example, there is a two-page spread on heads including items on hippos, rams, giraffes, and headaches in sea-birds. In other cases several unrelated topics are covered on a page. This probably explains the lack of a contents page; however, I think a contents page referring at least to the pages with topics would have been useful.

A good index is provided. Librarians would have to check the classification and cataloguing provided by CIP and make sure it matches their expectations if they want to be able to use this volume to answer odd questions. The topic coverage is too brief to provide much help for science projects.

An impressive list of experts is cited as consultants for the book although without indication of which question(s) each answered. The illustrations are very good and include a variety of colour photographs, drawings and humorous sketches.

This book could be a useful starting point for a variety of units, for example, animal behaviour or what questions would our class like answers to?

Recommended for large school or public libraries, or libraries with an audience of browsers in the science and nature sections. Otherwise leave for individual purchase by parents/grandparents.

Pat Steenbergen is a job-sharing librarian in the Professional Library for the staff of the Board of Education for the City of York in Toronto, Ontario

¹ Reviewed vol.XVII/2 March 1989, p.94.
² Reviewed vol.XIX/2 March 1991, p.103.

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