Bobbie Kalman
Reviewed by Michele F. Kallio
Volume 22 Number 3
Bobbie Kalman has done it again! This time we are off to the land of the Aztecs, beautiful Mexico. Her three-book series looks at Mexico's land, culture and people. Dive in anywhere, in any book and you are treated to dear, concise text and wonderful colour photos. The first volume, Mexico: The Land begins with the Olmecs, Mexico's first major civilization around 1200 B.C. and covers information on resources, agriculture, transportation, Mexico's cities, and wildlife and the environment. Kalman's second volume, Mexico: The People, is a delightful look into Mexico's heritage from the Maya to the future of Mexicans, something, since the North American Free Trade Agreement, Canadians will be very interested in. The book looks at family life, clothes and costumes, city life, farm life and Mexico's heroes. This volume gives a clear and colourful look at the Mexican people and even includes a short Spanish lesson. The third volume in the series, Mexico: The Culture, continues the study on Mexico looking into its heritage as viewed through its arts and crafts, music, dance, literature and pastimes. Again, colourful and dramatic photos accompany the interesting text. This volume contains easy recipes for some of Mexico's traditional dishes. Each volume has a glossary and an index. Each stands on its own, complete and informative. With Mexico now becoming a major trading partner, these books will gibe educators an excellent tool to teach Canadian children in an enjoyable and entertaining way about our neighbour to the south. Highly recommended.
Michele F. Kallio is a former teacher and libraian in Blacks Harbour, New Brunswick |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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