Phoebe Gilman
Reviewed by Marion Scott
Volume 22 Number 4
Jillian Jiggs is back, and her many fans will not be disappointed. This much-anticipated sequel has all the charm and verve of its predecessors--Jillian Jiggs (Scholastic Canada, 1987) and The Wonderful Pigs of Jillian Jiggs (Scholastic Canada, 1988). This time, the story centres on little sister Rebecca's fears of a night-time monster and Jillian's creative response. Joined by their friends Rachel and Peter ("Four are better than two"), they turn boxes and odds and ends into a monster-catching machine. The monster is tracked to a nearby park, trapped in the machine, and shrunk to a manageable size. The tale closes with a humorous twist. The machine really has caught something--a stray kitten. Gilman celebrates imaginative play with her usual panache and treats the monster theme in a playful and reassuring manner. Both text and illustration are true to the style of the previous Jillian titles. The story moves quickly and is told in rhyme punctuated by a catchy join-in chorus:
Illustrations are cartoonlike, boldly coloured and bursting with entertaining detail. A nice mood contrast also occurs-- colours darken in the scenes where Jillian and her friends approach the monster's lair. This title is certain to succeed with preschool to grade 1 children. A "must" purchase for all libraries.
Marion Scott is a children's librarian with the Toronto Public Library in Toronto, Ontario |
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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