Joanne Currah and Jane Felling
Reviewed by Alma Webster
Volume 22 Number 6
"Children love playing games and they love money! So it seemed a natural combination to take the Box Cars and One-Eyed Jacks format to the teaching of money concepts." Here is a book of mathematics games, fiftytwo for small groups, twenty for an entire class, involving the use of play money or real coins. This is the fourth volume in the series. The book is well planned and organized, with a detailed table of contents giving the game title, grade level and skills. The introduction and directives for use are well set out in the initial seven pages. Directions for each game are clearly given in point form under the headings "Level," "Skills," "Players," "Getting Started," "Coin Legend," and "Variations." In addition, there are two bibliographies of recreational and informative books. Included, too, are thirty-two pages of patterns, score cards, etc., that can be reproduced. A price list of supplies (dice, cards, play money) and books is found on the last page. Accompanying brochures provide information on the authors and the total program and describe the workshops and inservices available. The games were designed and tested by practising teachers, who, following the original publishing in 1989, have devoted their time to publishing and consulting services. A well-planned resource book for the classroom teacher which will add interest and enjoyment to the study of mathematics.
Alma Webster is retired supervisor, Learning Resources, Edmonton Public School Board, in Edmonton, Alberta
1971-1979 | 1980-1985 | 1986-1990 | 1991-1995
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