
CM Archive
CM Archive Book Review line

Produced by Crowe and Ritchard Findlay; directed by Ritchard Findlay
Jericho Films, 1992. VHS cassette, 6 min., $69.96 (bulk discounts available). Distributee by Winnipeg Film Group, 304 -100 Arthur St., Winnipeg, Man. R3B 1H3.

Grades 9 and up

Reviewed by Melanie Fogel and Christine Jacobs

Volume 22 Number 6
1994 November/December

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This short discussion starter features Conrad Percheson as Mike, a suicidal adoles­cent, and Maria Lamont as his guardian angel, Angie. Mike is in misery because his girlfriend has dumped him and his friends aren't around when he needs them. He impulsively starts to swallow pills from the medicine cabinet, but Angie turns up to show him that although life can't be perfect, there is always hope.

The plot is hokey. The device of a guardian angel who looks as if she had stepped out of the 1960s is somewhat discordant. However, the message is very direct and to the point.

I showed Lifetime to three teens aged thirteen, fourteen and a half, and fifteen. They each felt that, despite the angel, it raised important issues and would be useful for classroom discussion.

Recommended with reservations.

Christine Jacobs (Montreal, Que.) is a freelance indexer who for the past nine years has indexed films for Film/Video Canadiana
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Young Canada Works