CM . . .
. Volume XI Number 15 . . . .April 1, 2005
This excerpt shows Lynn Westerhout's clear but engaging writing style through which she offers the reader a seamless account of Catharine Parr Traill's life. Making it home is exactly what Catharine and her husband, Thomas, had to do as pioneers in Canada. Their struggle extended to many aspects of their life: political, financial, physical, emotional, and spiritual, but they were determined to make Canada their home, and in this, they succeeded. Catharine's contribution, as a writer both for children and adults, to Canadian history is appropriately foregrounded and accurately communicated throughout this book Aptly titled, Making It Home looks at Catharine's entire life, 1802-1899, and relays facts in an interesting and story-like manner, which nicely mirrors her life passion for telling stories. Westerhout sticks to facts, which she pads to keep the reader engaged. The shaded sidebars provide extra socio-historical context as well as comparisons to life in the 21st century, making the material more relevant for contemporary readers. Although readers of all ages would enjoy this book, its intended audience is mid-upper elementary grades, given the rather simple syntax and diction. The content, however, is fairly sophisticated, dealing with hardship upon hardship: starvation, natural disaster, death in the family, depression, and hopelessness. To counter the ubiquitous challenges of life as a pioneer, Westerhout transcends hard-hitting themes by maintaining a hopeful tone throughout, and by not focusing on misfortune. Rather, she emphasizes Catharine's tendency to be optimistic when faced with adversity and her ability to persevere. The author describes her as "up and doing rather than bemoaning her fate."
In the back of the book, Westerhout includes a list of Catharine's published works, a brief chronology of her life, a bibliography, and an index of quotes used. The useful inclusion of an "Index and Glossary of Who's Who and What's What" is appreciated since so much goes on in this book, both in terms of events and people. Photo and art credits are also listed. A Frances E. Russell Award winner, Making It Home combines a personal history with Canadian history. These histories are immersed in a cohesive narrative to make it feel less like nonfiction and more like a story with many interesting facts. Making It Home would be a valuable addition to any classroom or library. Recommended. Andrea Szilagyi is a graduate student studying children's literature at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC.
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- April 1, 2005.