CM . . .
. Volume XVI Number 32. . . .April 23, 2010
Warning: This “book” could possibly “cost” you another $28.03. (Read on to find out how.) The Deluxe Canadian Coin Collecting Album is actually a package that contains two parts, with one consisting of a triptych-like folder having slots in which a budding numismatist can place 69 coins. However, the spaces for the 3 toonies, 10 loonies, 46 quarters, 3 dimes, 4 nickels and 3 pennies are not to be filled by just any coins of the correct denomination. The 14 labeled slots on the coin folder’s left-hand page are for the 12 twenty-five cent pieces that were minted to commemorate the 2010 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, with each coin recognizing a different sport. That page also has room for two 2010 “Lucky Loonies,” so that the dollar coin’s obverse and reverse (heads and tails) sides can be displayed. The middle page of the coin folder holds the 24 quarters that were issued in 1999 and 2000 as a result of the Millennium Coin Design Contest. Twelve different quarters, one per month, were minted, with the designs of those of 1999 utilizing the theme “Drawing on the Past” while those of 2000 related to “Designing the Future.” This page also has slots for the obverse and reverse of a regular caribou 25-cent coin. The folder’s right-hand page has spaces for another 8 quarters that were issued to commemorate special events, such as the centennials of Alberta and Saskatchewan, or to recognize special years, such as 2005's “Year of the Veteran.” This page also provides for a “regular” toonie, loonie, dime. nickel and penny, plus some “special” versions of these coins. The other part of this “package” is the 32-page booklet authored by Laura Mehaney & Tammi Salzano which provides information about the specific coins which are to be placed in the folder. Each coin (with the odd exception of an illustration of the August 2000 “Family” quarter) is illustrated in full-colour and is accompanied by a brief description of the coin’s design and the reason for its creation. Six pages are given over to the history of Canada’s “circulating” coins, three pages to commemorative loonies, and a single page to toonies. The booklet’s final three pages describe how coins are made. Since the coins to be placed in the folder are all relatively recent and are of the “circulating” variety, filling the 69 slots should be attainable by persistent new coin collectors who will want to go through everyone’s loose change in search of coins needed to fill vacant spaces (hence my earlier warning of this book’s possibly costing you $28.03 more than its cover price). Because of the “consumable” nature of the coin folder, the Deluxe Canadian Coin Collecting Album package is obviously meant to be an individual, rather than a library, purchase. Nevertheless, libraries should still consider buying it just for the booklet as it contains useful information, and its illustrations of the coins, alone, might attract reluctant readers. Recommended with reservations. As a middle schooler, Dave Jenkinson was a tyro numismatist. Appropriately, Dave lives in Winnipeg, MB, the home of the Royal Canadian Mint.
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- April 23, 2010.