CM . . . . Volume XVIII Number 32 . . . . April 20, 2012
Makeup Mess.
Robert Munsch. Illustrated by Michael Martchenko.
Toronto, ON: Scholastic Canada, 2001.
32 pp., pbk., $7.99.
ISBN 978-0-439-18771-0.
Subject Headings:
Cosmetics-Juvenile fiction.
Humorous stories.
Kindergarten-grade 2 / Ages 5-7.
Review by Christine Torchia.
*** /4
Julie walked out the door holding all that money and her mother said,"Julie where are you going?"
"I" said Julie,"am going to go buy myself some MMMMMAKEUP!"
Julie's mother yelled, "Oh no!"
Julie didn't pay any attention. She ran to the drug store, put the money down, and said, "I want some red lipstick, blue lipstick, black lipstick, pink lipstick, yellow lipstick, purple lipstick...I want one of everything you've got.
The man gave Julie an enormous box of makeup. She picked it up, carried it home, and took it into the bathroom. Then she said, "Now I am going to make myself BEEEEEEAUTIFUL!"
In true Robert Munch style, Makeup Mess engages readers of all ages. Written for Munsch’s daughter, Makeup Mess has a simple message: you don't have to wear makeup to be beautiful. Julie learns this lesson when she saves up all her money, buys a big box of makeup from the drugstore and makes her self up in her bathroom. Julie thinks she looks like a movie star until both her parents take one look at her and yell "AAAAAHHHHHH!" Julie runs back upstairs, washes it all off and starts again, this time making herself as pretty as two movie stars. At seeing Julie for a second time with makeup, Julie's mother, father and even the mailman just fall right over. Julie doesn't understand why everyone is acting strange and once again runs back upstairs to wash everything off. She is disappointed that she spent all her money and all she has left is just her regular face that no one will think is beautiful. Julie comes back downstairs and is surprised when her mother, father and even the mailman think she is really learning how to use makeup because she looks really beautiful Julie runs back upstairs to look in the mirror and discovers she IS really beautiful with no makeup. After selling the box of makeup to the neighbourhood girls, Julie goes to the thrift store and buys lots of old clothes for dress up.
Makeup Mess is a fun, entertaining story with lots of action and colourful pictures. Illustrator Michael Martchenko captures the story with his brightly coloured and exaggerated cartoon style drawings. I am always thrilled to hear a Robert Munch story as they are perfect not only for reading aloud but also for acting out. Everyone loves to get silly with a good Robert Munch story, and Makeup Mess is no exception.
Christine Torchia is an Early Childhood Educator/Educational Assistant and mother of two elementary school children in Winnipeg, MB.
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- April 20, 2012.