CM . . .
. Volume XIX Number 12. . . .November 23, 2012.
A follow-up to the earlier book, Time Machines Repaired While-U-Wait, Paradox Resolution continues the adventures of Spider Webb as he struggles through his often very confusing life as a time machine repairman. He hates his job, hates his life, and hates time travel. When his new boss summons Spider to HQ, Spider fears dismissal, but instead, his boss has a simple request. A pair of children have gone missing...in a super and highly illegal time machine. To compound Spider’s troubles, his almost ex-wife, Molly, described as a mad sculptress, has a seemingly simple request. She wants him to look after her house and ailing goldfish while she leaves Australia for New York City and a showing of her works. (With a new boyfriend?). If this isn’t enough, the story opens with the severed head of Spider’s former boss, Dickhead McMahon, suddenly appearing in a closed refrigerator and trying to deliver a message to Spider. The confusion that follows carries on at a rapid pace, dragging Spider back into time travel and trying to solve multiple problems. The author even tips his hat to his Canadian publisher, setting one scene in Calgary (sort of) and tossing in some Canadianisms. As usual, the fate of just about everything hangs in the balance in this often amusing tale. The book opens with a page of praise for the author’s previous books and consists of 253 pages to tell the actual story. There are five pages at the back listing other titles by this publisher. Well-written and fast-paced, with emphasis on character and a sometimes confusing plot, this story will appeal to readers of science fiction and lovers of off-beat tales. Paradox Resolution should also appeal to those who enjoy a detective story and the scientific types who like to try and unravel the quantum workings of time travel. You can also just simply sit back and have a good read. Highly Recommended. Ronald Hore, involved with writer’s groups for several years, dabbles in writing fantasy in Winnipeg, MB.
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-November 23, 2012.