Every week, CM presents a brief collection of noteworthy, useful, or just
interesting sites
we've turned up and actually checked.
Please send us URLs and evaluations of any
web-sites you think deserve the exposure.
Spending too much time on the Web can result in the loss of friends, muscle tone, and pleasant body odour.
- The Tele-Garden
- www.usc.edu/dept/garden/
- What's the best thing about science? That's right, robots. This site lets you actually manipulate a gardening robot with an attached camera in another part of the world. Get involved and they'll even let you plant seeds and water the garden.
- Writers in Electronic Residence
- You still have a week to get your students involved signed up for the Winter term of this program. Their work could be looked at (electronically) by an impressive list of Canadian writers. Just in the secondary school program of WIER, for example, the writers are Susan Musgrave, Trevor Ferguson, and John Gray.
- The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
- ce.eng.usf.edu/pharos/wonders/
- This popular site is immensely well done, a great resource for history and archeology.
The final list of the Seven Wonders was compiled during the Middle Ages. The list comprised the seven most impressive monuments of the Ancient World, some of which barely survived to the Middle Ages. Others did not even co-exist. Among the oldest references to the canonical list are the engravings by the Dutch artist Maerten van Heemskerck (1498-1574), and Johann Fischer von Erlach's History of Architecture.
The site covers the history and background of Seven Wonders individually and collectively, with plenty of hypertext links for deeper information on sub-topics. It's also well-designed, and includes attractive images of the Wonders (disclaimer: "Note: The color painting at the top of the page is of artistic nature and does not necessarily represent an accurate reconstruction of the Wonder")
- AUFORA - UFO Information
- http://ume.med.ucalgary.ca/~watanabe/info/info.html
- AUFORA is The Alberta UFO Research Association. Okay, let's get this straight: there are no alien visitors, and X-Files is not taken from actual U.S. government reports. But there's something fun about UFOs, and AUFORA is one of the more credible kinds of groups that tries to seriously investigate the legitimate phenomenon of UFO sightings. This page has a place to report sightings, links to other UFO pages, and actual pictures of aliens, crop circles, UFOs, and so on (disclaimer: "AUFORA can not guarantee the verity of all pictures").
- www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Cyberia/Expo/theater.html
- This site, from the University of Illinois, requires a bit of patience, but it's worth it for video clips of, for example, "3-D Colliding Black Holes." Also the end of the universe, and more! If you get the feeling that American universities have more money than ours do, you're right; when I was at UIUC in person there were lounges with leather chairs for undergrads.

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The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364
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