CM Magazine: The Little Math Puzzle Contest

The Little Math Puzzle Contest
Man seeks order and pattern in all things
Be ready to change your paradigm.
Puzzle #32
What is the next number in this pattern?
679, 378, 168, 48, 32, ______
Send your response by 8:00 a.m., Friday, May 3 to:
(Any suggestions for puzzles will be happily received!)
Puzzle #30 asked:
Going through the alphabet all of these letters have a property in common.
What are the two remaining letters also having this property?
A, H, I, M, O, T, U, V, W, ___, ___
The answer to Puzzle #30 is:
X and Y because they have an axis of vertical symmetry or look the same in the mirror.
Thank you to Nicholas Gould in Miss Smollett's Grade 5 class
L.E.Reinsborough School - Dalhousie, New Brunswick.
The Winners -- Solvers of Puzzle #29
- Brad Webb - Gr.4 Stanley Elementary - Stanley, N.B.
- Dan Brown, Lisa Canning, Natalie Masluk, Peter Nicolichuk, Jack Bangay, Lori Wollaston - Grade 6 Sam Sherratt School - Milton, Ontario
- David Belanger, age 10. St. Michael's School - Belleville, ON
- Shannon Carruthers - grade 10. AY Jackson School - Kanata (Ottawa), Ontario
- Greg Hart - Grade Six. Lakeview School - AB
- Gr. 5 Mrs. Seamans. Lakefield E.S. - Quispamsis, N.B.
- Cynthia O'Connell, Jennifer Reid - Mrs CaplinGr. 6A . L E R School - Dalhousie, N.B.
- Mrs. G's Sensational Sixes. Sun Valley School. Winnipeg, MB
- Bryan Cassidy Grade 6EL & Mrs. Munro's Grade 5 class 5M. Bonnycastle School - Winnipeg, Manitoba
- Mr. Cameron's Grade Five Math Class. Sturgis Elementary School - Sturgis, SK.
- Jeremy Layden and Ryan Smid (joint), Reece Peters, Grade 4. Piper Creek School, Red Deer AB
And from another creative point of view consider this
answer X and Z
From A to H is 8 . . . From H to I is 1 . . . From I to M is 4, etc.
From W to X is 1 and from X to Z is 2 adding up to 26 -- the number of letters in the alphabet
- Brittany Hilke & Sheryl Saliba - Mrs. Seltzer's fourth grade. Indian Lakes Elementary School - Virginia Beach, VA, USA
Andrea Pollock and Alex Nazarov
Royal West Academy, Montreal West, Quebec.
Information about the Little Math Puzzle Contest.

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Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364