THE CANADIAN CHILDREN'S BOOK CENTRE's latest national contest for children encourages kids to "Get Writing." The contest is open to children in grades two to six, and includes all types of writing (poetry, short stories, essays, articles) with a suggested length of five hundred to fifteen hundred words (any length for poetry).
Stories may be
written in English or French, and can be submitted individually or as a
class. Only one entry per person, please (up to five poems).
Be sure that all
necessary information is included with each entry (name, age, telephone
number, grade level, address, school name, etc.) and that entries are
double spaced and legible.The deadline is June 30, 1996.
There will be up
to eighty-five prizes given out to participants, and the winning entries
will be printed in an anthology.
English entries are mailed to:
The Canadian Children's Book Centre
25 Spadina Road
Toronto, ON
M5R 2S9.
Be sure that copies are made of the children's writing pieces as entries will not be returned.
Call 1 (800) 5-IWRITE for further information.
Copyright © 1996 the Manitoba Library Association.
Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice
maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.
Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364