Every week, CM presents a brief collection of
noteworthy, useful, or just interesting sites we've turned up and actually
checked.Please send us URLs and evaluations of any web-sites you think
deserve the exposure.
- The Secret of the Silver Horse
- http://canada.justice.gc.ca/en/dept/pub/ssh/
- Normally you don't associate children's literature with the Canadian
Department of Justice. But The Secret of the Silver Horse
is a well-illustrated story for children that teaches children:
that secrets about sexual abuse should not
be kept. The story also teaches that if a child tells a teenager or an
adult about sexual abuse and
that person does nothing, the child should be persistent and tell someone
- Shakespeare Oxford Society Home Page
- http://www.shakespeare-oxford.com
- Nothing encourages study than a little argument. For example, some
people believe that Shakespeare wrote his own plays, others don't. Who's
right? Being a History and English major, I could tell you,
but you can look at the evidence yourself. The Shakespeare Oxford Society
is not a product of the university, but a group who believe that Edward
de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, was the real author of Shakespeare's
plays. But be sure to also point your students to The Shakespeare
Authorship page
for a more skeptical look at the possibility.
(Both sites found by Brian R. Page.)
- Sources of Skeptical Information on the Internet
- http://www.discord.org/skeptical/
- Speaking of crackpots, do you have students who take the
X-Files a little too seriously? Have them browse among the
many sources of skeptical/debunking information listed here. Even has
pages suggesting organized skeptics may go too far...
- Current Shuttle Flight!
- http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/
- All right, the "Notable Web Sites" has been away for a couple of
weeks, so I know many of you are missing the regular cool space-related
site. Well, this one takes you to a sight devoted to the mission going on
right now, over your head (the second flight for Canadian
astronaut Marc Garneau). Information about the mission and crew,
pictures, video and sound clips.

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The Manitoba Library Association