The Raven and the Loon. |
Rachel and Sean Qitsualik-Tinsley. Illustrated by Kim Smith.
Review by Lara LeMoal.
Preschool-grade 1 / Ages 3-6.
On Poppy’s Beach. |
Susan Pynn Taylor. Illustrated by David Sturge.
Review by Sae Yong Kim.
Kindergarten-grade 2 / Ages 5-7.
The Highest Number in the World.
Roy MacGregor. Illustrated by Geneviève Després.
Review by Jill Griffith.
Preschool-grade 3 / Ages 5-8.
Step Outside.
Doretta Groenendyk.
Review by Val Nielsen.
Kindergarten-grades 3 / Ages 5-8.
Cauldron Spells (Frogspell #2).
C. J. Busby. Illustrated by David Wyatt.
Review by Meredith Harrison-Lim.
Grades 3-5 / Ages 8-10.
The Wonderful Dogfish Racket.
Tom Dawe. Illustrated by C. Anne MacLeod.
Review by Jillian Sexton.
Grades 3-5 / Ages 8-10.
Ting Ting.
Kristie Hammond.
Review by Ruth McMahon.
Grades 3-7 / Ages 8-12.
Trail of Tears. (Crabtree Chrome).
Lynn Peppas.
Review by Rachel Yaroshuk.
Grades 4-6 / Ages 9-11.
No Other Story.
Dr. Cuthbert Soup. Illustrated by Jeffrey Stewart Timmins.
Review by Inderjit Deogun.
Grades 4-7 / Ages 9-12.
Saving Houdini.
Michael Redhill.
Review by Kris Rothstein.
Grades 4-7 / Ages 9-12.
Sinkholes. (Earth Science).
Megan Kopp.
Review by Kate Hachborn.
Grades 5-8 / Ages 10-13.
Bones. (Orca Currents).
John Wilson.
Review by Beth Wilcox.
Grades 5-9 / Ages 10-15.
Karen Autio.
Review by Karen Rankin.
Grades 6-8 / Ages 11-13.
Stand Your Ground. 20th Anniversary Ed.
Eric Walters.
Review by Daphne Hamilton-Nagorsen.
Grades 6-9 / Ages 11-14.
Rebel Spring. (Falling Kingdoms).
Morgan Rhodes.
Review by Laura Dunford.
Grades 8-11 / Ages 13-16.
Finding Melissa.
Cora Taylor.
Review by Beth Maddigan.
Grades 8 and up / Ages 13 and up.
You Haven’t Changed a Bit: Stories. (Robert Kroetsch Series of Canadian Creative Works).
Astrid Blodgett.
Review by Dave Jenkinson.
Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up.
Marny Duncan-Cary. Illustrated by Megan Mansbridge.
Review by Kay Weisman.