________________ CM . . . . Volume XXI Number 36. . . .May 22, 2015


Forensics: The Scene of the Crime. (Crabtree Chrome).

Lynn Peppas.
St. Catharines, ON: Crabtree, 2015.
48 pp., pbk., hc., pdf & html, $11.95 (pbk.), $21.56 (RLB.).
ISBN 978-0-7787-1399-9 (pbk.), ISBN 978-0-7787-1363-0 (RLB.), ISBN 978-1-4271-8979-0 (pdf), ISBN 978-1-4271-8973-8 (html).

Subject Heading:
Forensic sciences-Juvenile literature.

Grades 4-7 / Ages 9-12.

Review by Kim Sutcliffe.

*** /4



Forensic scientists start their work at the scene of the crime. This is where the evidence trail usually begins. It is important that the scene is not disturbed before they get there. The people who discovered the crime, police officers and emergency responders, must all be very careful not to contaminate the crime scene.


As the title suggests, Forensics is an introduction to the world of forensic evidence. It touches upon a myriad of topics, including autopsies, fingerprints, DNA, blood and the future of forensic science. True crime scenarios illustrate the use of forensics to solve crimes. The OJ Simpson trial and the Lockerbie bombing are high profile examples used by the author. Each page is visually interesting. There are photographs, illustrations and inset boxes to keep the reader’s attention. The language is simple and provides definitions in the text. Parents and librarians should note that some of the topics and pictures are grisly and might not be for every child. The simple language would suggest it is appropriate for a younger child, but the subject matter; murder, blood splatter, arson etc., suggests an older reader. It is a highly informative book for children who express an interest in forensics.


Kim Sutcliffe is a Vancouver, BC, lawyer.

To comment on this title or this review, send mail to cm@umanitoba.ca.

Copyright © the Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.
Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364
Hosted by the University of Manitoba.

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