CM . . .
. Volume XXII Number 27. . . .March 18, 2016
Splash, named after her first word and favourite activity, is a sea serpent who can’t help but move. Despite her best efforts and her parents’ advice, Splash can’t keep her tail from making loud splashes in the water. Grampy tries to teach Splash how to move quietly to blend in with her surroundings so that, when real danger comes, she will be safe. Splash legitimately tries to follow Grampy’s advice, which is supported with reasons why Splash needs to control herself, but Splash can’t help but be what she is: a sea serpent who likes to splash. This story embraces Splash’s individuality when Grampy takes her to a spot where it is safe to splash while also emphasizing the need for self-control in dangerous situations. For young readers, the lesson is clearly laid out and comes from a place of caring, rather than criticism of Splash. Some key words are repeated, and both sentences and chapters are shorter and would be appropriate for a transitioning reader. The illustrations are coloured with watercolours, a perfect medium for a story which takes place largely under or on water. The application of watercolours in thicker swatches gives the water depth and the colours chosen reinforce the idea of camouflage. Following Spark and Flare, Splash is the third book in the “Tiny Tails” series. Highly Recommended. Kate Hachborn is a library technician at the W. Ross Macdonald School in Brantford, ON.
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