The Ghosts Go Spooking. |
Chrissy Bozik. Illustrated by Patricia Storms.
Review by Dave Jenkinson.
Preschool / Ages 1-4.
The Animals’ Ark.
Marianne Dubuc.
Review by Gregory Bryan and Kylie Wiebe-Pantel.
Preschool-kindergarten / Ages 3-5.
Life Without Nico.
Andrea Maturana. Illustrated by Francisco Javier Olea.
Review by Valerie Nielsen.
Preschool-grade 3 / Ages 4-8.
Good Pirate. |
Kari-Lynn Winters. Illustrated by Dean Griffiths.
Review by Reesa Cohen.
Kindergarten-grade 3 / Ages 5-8.
Outdoor Math: Fun Activities for Every Season. |
Emma Adbåge.
Review by Gail Hamilton.
Kindergarten-grade 3 / Ages 5-8.
Australia. (Exploring Continents). |
Alexis Roumanis.
Review by Kelsey Sukich.
Grades 1-5 / Ages 6-10.
South America. (Exploring Continents). |
Alexis Roumanis.
Review by Kelsey Sukich.
Grades 1-5 / Ages 6-10.
That’s Not Fair! Getting to Know Your Rights and Freedoms. (CitizenKid). |
Robin Johnson.
Review by Tanya Boudreau.
Grades 3-6 / Ages 8-11.
The Great Chicago Fire. (Crabtree Chrome). |
Ruth Daly.
Review by Suzanne Pierson.
Grades 3-6 / Ages 8-11.
Bittersweet. |
Winnie Mack.
Review by Mary Harelkin Bishop.
Grades 4-6 / Ages 9-11.
The Dark Missions of Edgar Brim. |
Shane Peacock.
Review by Laura Dunford.
Grades 6-10 / Ages 11-15.
Saving Montgomery Sole. |
Mariko Tamaki.
Review by Kim Aippersbach.
Grades 7-10 / Ages 12-15.
Every Hidden Thing. |
Kenneth Oppel.
Review by Wendy Phillips.
Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up.
Before We Go Extinct. |
Karen Rivers.
Review by Ann Ketcheson.
Grades 8-11 / Ages 13-16.