CM . . .
. Volume XXII Number 6. . . .October 9, 2015
Wonder Horse.
Anita Daher.
Winnipeg, MB: Rebelight, 2015.
85 pp., trade pbk. & ebook, $10.99 (pbk.).
ISBN 978-0-9939390-6-8 (pbk.), ISBN 978-0-9939390-7-5 (ebook).
Grades 6-9 / Ages 11-14.
Review by Deborah Mervold.
**** /4
While everyone else is warming up, Wager and I play. I make like a clown and ask Wager to follow me as I wobble step in front of him. He takes my hat and then gives it to me. When I bend over to pretend to tie my shoe, he takes a cloth from my back pocket and gives me that too. Marcus is laughing so hard that he’s not getting his horse ready. The arena door opens and Dani arrives. She doesn’t ask Marcus why he’s laughing, and no one tells her. Brittany looks at us like we’re a couple of jokers. We’ll show her.
Dani turns to me. “Sera, since you and Wager are ready first, why don’t you lope a circle for us?”
Sera is going into Grade 8 when her parents move from Calgary, where she is happy with many friends, across the prairies to Winnipeg, MB. She is not happy to move. The only positive thing is her horse, Wager, whom she loves and loves to train. Her parents move her from a friendly, family stable to one with high standards and involved training. Sera is training for several upcoming events along with Brittany, a girl who is part of the popular group at her school someone who gives Sera some grief.
The story tells of Sera’s work with her horse and how they find what they need, and also Sera’s search to belong and find new friends. The characters are interesting and different as teenage growth is explored. Dev, who becomes Sera’s close friend, is a free spirit, interesting dresser, and creative artist. Dev helps Sera realize that she needs to be herself and find what she wants.
The vocabulary is suitable for the intended audience, and the dialogue is realistic. Readers will enjoy the richness of the language and the local colour both from horses and a prairie community. The book is divided into 16 chapters, and the plot is developed slowly with attention to detail, making this a good read aloud story.
Wonder Horse would be enjoyed by horse lovers and readers of realistic fiction and friendship. It would be an excellent choice for school, public and personal libraries. Although the reading age is 11-14, other readers, older and younger, would enjoy the story.
Highly Recommended.
Deborah Mervold is an educator from Shellbrook, SK, now doing faculty training and program development at Saskatchewan Polytechnic. She has extensive experience as an English teacher and teacher-librarian.
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