CM . . .
. Volume XXIII Number 31. . . April 21, 2017
The Great Bear Rainforest is an awe-inspiring wilderness location. Remote, extensive, full of treasures like colossal old growth trees and the wealth of biodiversity that comprises such habitat, it is the object of special concern by conservationists. What better way for a nature photographer to bring its ageless worth to the world’s attention than by sharing his work in this setting? The talented team of Ian McAllister and Nicholas Read, inspired by McAllister’s photos, has already created several engaging nonfiction books for older readers about the bears and wolves that live in the Great Bear Rainforest. This picture book is the second in a series for younger readers, including Wolf Island. The incredible close-up photos lead the reader from spring to fall in the rainforest as the easy-to-read text introduces each unique and special aspect of the bears’ home. It is the source of everything needed for a rich life; the adults will pass their intimate knowledge of the surroundings and their skills to cubs that have much to learn as they grow through play and discovery. Details of the spirit bear—the white phase of black bears only found in the Great Bear Rainforest—include their numbers and the indigenous legend about their color being a reminder of the Ice Age, and a promise by Raven that they would be expert fishers; scientists think the white coat is less visible against the sky to fish. Several pages discuss the bears’ food, meat gleaned from the beaches and berries from the land. One bump in the road is evident here as five pages of information about the spirit bear interrupts the flow of details about the stream and beach banquet and the following page about vegetarian food. That page then leads smoothly into the fall activity which focuses on bears gorging on salmon prior to hibernation. This is a minor quibble in an otherwise impressive presentation. The writing style is especially inviting to younger readers when the author speaks directly to them: “Cubs learn lessons…but sometimes all they want to do is play and let off steam. Just like you.” Text and photos are well integrated. Obviously the photographer’s home location within the rainforest has been a significant advantage, no doubt allowing the collection of a huge selection of bear images from which to choose. Hopefully this author-photographer duo still have more to offer all ages about British Columbia’s endangered rainforest as a way to encourage conservation efforts. Highly Recommended. Gillian Richardson is a freelance writer living in BC.
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