CM . . . . Volume XXIV Number 25 . . . . March 2, 2018

Hop Into Bed!
Nicholas Oldland.
Toronto, ON: North Winds/Scholastic Canada, 2018.
32 pp., hardcover, $16.99.
ISBN 978-1-4431-5726-1.
Preschool-grade 2 / Ages 3 7.
Review by Kelsey Sukich.
**** /4
Bob loved to hop.
He also liked to…
fly! flip! bounce! twist! jump! spring! leap! flop! and crash!
Hop into bed and cozy up with Nicholas Oldland's Hop into Bed! for a fun and amusing adventure of a day in the life of Bob, the frog who loved to hop!
Bob's day and night were filled with so much hopping that he eventually fell asleep and no one nor anything, not even a cold bath nor a blaring trumpet, could wake him up! Until… he heard the word "hop!"
Little ones who resist going to bed will relate to Bob's excitement and energy of wanting to stay up all night and hop, hop, hop! Mom and Dad know best though, and, in the end, Bob realizes the value of a good night's sleep.
Oldland's humourous, lively illustrations and writing will keep readers entertained from cover to cover. The illustrations are cleverly laid out, allowing for numerous scenes and events on certain pages. Readers will feel as though they are experiencing each hop, flip, twist, and flop alongside Bob. As noted in the book's dedication, Oldland's mother's artwork inspired this book.
Hop into Bed! is also available in French as Hop! Au lit! Oldland's other published children's books include: Making the Moose Out of Life, Big Bear Hug, and The Busy Beaver. In addition to being an internationally bestselling writer and illustrator, Oldland is the creative director and one of the owners of Hatley, an apparel company, where Oldland's work can be found adorning adorable pajamas.
Hop into Bed! will keep readers amused… each hop of the way!
Highly Recommended.
Kelsey Sukich is a French immersion teacher in the Seven Oaks School Division in Winnipeg, MB. She can't wait to hop on the opportunity to share this book with her students!

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