CM . . .
. Volume XXIV Number 7. . . .October 20, 2017
Best Pirate.
Kari-Lynn Winters. Illustrated by Dean Griffiths.
Toronto, ON: Pajama Press, 2017.
32 pp., hardcover, $19.97.
ISBN 978-1-77278-019-2.
Kindergarten-grade 3 / Ages 5-8.
Review by Reesa Cohen.
***½ /4
Reviewed from F&Gs.
Barnacle Garrick showed his daughter a section of the treasure map.
“Scully is crafty. So he'll find the booty before them cats.”
Augusta leaned in closer.
“He’s nimble too. He’ll sneak past them Tuna Lubbers on Crossbones Island. But most important, me lassy, Scully is fearless. He’ll pillage them doubloons and bring ‘em back to our ship —right where they need to be.”
Augusta moved the candle closer so her father could read the map better. Barnacle growled a warning... but...
“Blimey! You ruined me map”
Augusta, the adorable spaniel and plucky heroine of Bad Pirate and Good Pirate is back, still trying to prove her mettle and worth to a demanding father. But her awkwardness poses a problem, and in her efforts to be “nimble and fearless”, she not only sets the map on fire, but she also injures the first mate, Scully, a fierce looking bull terrier.
Hoping to impress her father, Augusta decides to set out on her own to find the booty on Crossbones Island. It is on this scary island that she meets up with Scuppers, a member from the rival crew, Tuna Lubbers. These two discover the treasure, but they get themselves in a bad situation. Augusta devises a crafty plan to free them from their predicament, one that requires cooperation from the two enemies.
Kari-Lynn Winters follows the format of the first two pirate books, with playful, pirate language scattered throughout the story and with much of the dynamic text appearing on floating pieces of sail. The battle between the “Frilly Dogs” and the “Tuna Lubbers” is forecast even on the title and dedication pages. And the end pages once again feature a glossary of pirate lingo and nautical talk. The design of this book is cleverly conceived. The buoyant text is mirrored in the dazzling artwork by Dean Griffiths. The wildly colourful and detailed drawings are expressive, action-packed and filled with humour. Griffiths’ charming illustrations have depth and pull the reader right into the story.
Using these three imaginative titles produced by this talented duo, an enterprising teacher could treat her students to a fun, pirate-themed unit. The fact that each title features an important lesson or moral, with a refreshing heroine, should make this idea even more motivating.
Highly Recommended.
Reesa Cohen is a retired Instructor of Children’s Literature and Information Literacy at the Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, MB.

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