Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning
URL: http://www.mcrel.org/resources/
Review by Lynn Thomas
Reprinted from the EdRes mailing list.
McREL consists of Internet resources--lesson plans, activities, curriculum resources--linked with the corresponding subject-area content standards. Also included are other links to assist teachers with using the Internet in the classroom.
Within McREL is Connections+. Each week Connections+ posts a few of these samples, which illustrate the supplemental education resources available to teachers online. The web sites and other resources chosen have been created, maintained, and/or recommended by educators. The first set of samples follows:
The site is very descriptive in terms of the resources needed to fulfill lesson plan objectives. Everything is made available to the teacher; objectives, necessary material, detailed lesson plans - with time expectations, activity sheets and details where these materials can be obtained.
This is an excellent site for detailed lesson plans! It is, however, very scarce in its content and variety of subjects. There are only six topics discussed, but the site is still under construction.
DISCLAIMER: We do our best to verify the information in C-EDRES posts, but we do not guarantee accuracy nor agree with every opinion expressed. Please report inaccuracies to C-EDRES-request@unb.ca. For questions about this resource, please contact the site, not C-EDRES.
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Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364