CM Bulletin Board
Information on Comet Hale-Bopp for teachers Great Canadian Hairy Star Party (produced by ScienceWeb and based at the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory in Victoria, B.C.) is now featuring Comet Hale-Bopp. A section devoted to teachers is split into the following categories: K- Grade 1, 2-3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and Grade 9. Material can be adapted for different grade levels (eg. the model solar system in the grade 5 section can also be used for grade 9).
Observations, sketches and other artwork from all grade levels is solicited. Centre Consolidated School (grade 1-7) in Lunenburg, NS, participated during Comet Hyakutake's appearance last year and found it to be an excellent experience for the students. Examples of their submissions can be found on the website in the Comet Hyakutake section.
From the American Library Association
National TV-Turnoff Week
During the last week of April 1997, thousands of families, schools, libraries, and community organizations will join together in a coordinated effort in which millions of individuals will leave their TV sets off for seven days. The third annual National TV-Turnoff Week, sponsored by TV-Free America and endorsed by more than 44 national organizations, including the Association for Library Service to Children (a division of the ALA,) will take place April 24-30, 1997.To learn how to organize a TV-Turnoff in your school, library or community, contact:
TV-Free America
1611 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 3A
Washington, DC 20009
Tel: (202) 887-0436
Fax: (202) 518-5560.TVFA will help you get started and, for a $10US donation, send you an "Organizer's Kit" that includes a guidebook, posters, bumper stickers, pledge cards and an information packet.
From the NOVAE GROUP Teachers Networking for the Future
Kids Identifying and Describing Sites K.I.D.S. (Kids Identifying and Describing Sites) Report is produced by K-12 students as a resource to other K-12 students who use the World Wide Web.
The list of "Selection Criteria" used by these students is included and it makes a great checklist or discussion starter for any anybody who wants to evaluate resources on the web.
CM News Bulletin Board is a regular column featuring bits and pieces of notable information that have flowed through the CM office in the last few weeks and may be of interest to you.
Any reader who has news for other CM readers can send it to under the subject newsbits. All information is subject to selection by CM and may or may not appear in the column. Please note that CM will not accept any direct advertising in its Bulletin Board column.
Copyright © 1997 the Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.
Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364