CM News Bulletin Board
Meet the Managing Editor
CM is proud to announce that managing editor Peter Tittenberger will be present at the launch of Brooks: Coming Home, a book of poetry by Walter Hildebrandt with images by Tittenberger. The launch takes place in Winnipeg at Heaven Art & Book Cafe at 8:00 pm on Saturday, December 14. The event is open to the public and CM readers are welcome to attend the launch and meet Peter and see his work. To find out more about the book Brooks: Coming Home, see the review in this issue.
Books Online
Project Gutenberg is an umbrella organization that provides computer resources and handles copyright issues for online books. This organization supports hundreds of volunteers who are donating their time, energy and resources to putting texts in the public domain into electronic form. Project Gutenberg is looking for volunteers to select, enter, and proofread a book so that it can be made available electronically. To find out more about the project, see its web site at:
List for teachers
InfoList for All Teachers is a listing service from the Global Schoolnet Foundation. Among the listings of useful web resources for teachers are CM (naturally!), plus the following sample of the many sites named on the list.
Literacy Link
LITERACYLINK is a program that will use the latest in video, online and computer technology to help adults receive literacy instruction.Canadian Education on the Web
Categories include educational organizations, universities and colleges, faculties, networks, libraries and journals.SpeakOut!
This site encourages children to use the Internet to express their views, such as their hopes for world peace and much more.Dragonfly
The site includes online student exercises, resources for teachers and parents and a listserv connecting kids to scientists and other students.The Infolist home page is at:
Interested teachers can subscribe or get more information by visiting the Global SchoolNet Foundation Home Page at:
Specially for parents
In the last INCLASS Digest, a teacher's resource magazine available on Schoolnet, a reader wrote in to recommend a web site that he says: "offer[s] critically acclaimed world class movies made especially for children. The movies also come with parents' discussion guides." You can find the site at
http://www.speciallyforkids.comA recommended site on the Weekly Bookmark, a weekly listing of interesting sites, is Pediatrics for Parents. The electronic version of this newsletter features articles written by medical professionals and journalists plus all the latest in pediatric information, product recall news, and more. For more information, contact
CM News Bulletin Board is a regular column featuring bits and pieces of notable information that have flowed through the CM office in the last few weeks and may be of interest to you.
Any reader who has news for other CM readers can send it to under the subject newsbits. All information is subject to selection by CM and may or may not appear in the column. Please note that CM will not accept any direct advertising in its Bulletin Board column.
Copyright © 1996 the Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.
Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364