CM . . . .
Volume IV Number 1 . . . . September 5, 1997
The Cricket's Cage.
Stefan Czernecki.
Winnipeg, MB: Hyperion Press, 1996.
Unpaged, board, $19.95.
ISBN 1-895340-14-4.
Subject Headings:
Crickets-Folklore-Juvenile literature.
Legends-China-Juvenile literature.
Preschool - grade 4 / Ages 4 - 9.
Review by Dave Jenkinson.
**** /4
Hundreds of years ago in China, there lived an emperor of the
Ming dynasty named Yongle (Yung-lo). His love of architecture
drove him to create an imperial palace the likes of which had
never before been seen. Surrounded by a great wall, the complex
was called the Forbidden City. To make the structure even more
grand, Yongle ordered that plans be drawn to create four towers -
one on each corner of the wall.
As Czernecki explains in his concluding "Author's Note," this
Chinese folktale has its basis in historical fact although the
cricket's role in designing the towers is obviously the "tale"
portion. The book's opening page, reproduced in the "Extract"
above, establishes the conflict. After several months of
unsatisfactory designs, Emperor Yongle threatens Minister Wu
Zhong, "If you do not present a suitable idea within three days
you will lose your head." Repeating the Emperor's threat to
Master Builder Cai Xin, Wu Zhong reduces the period by a day. In
turn, Cai Xin transfers the problem to carpenter Kuai Xiang and
gives him but a single day to produce an appropriate model. When
Kuai Xiang shares the details of his distress with a friend who
sells crickets in the marketplace, the friend gives him a cricket
because "his song will surely bring you good luck and cheer you
up as well." By day's end, Kuai Xiang, although cheered by the
cricket's music, still lacks a design, and, as Kuai Xiang goes to
bed, he says to the cricket, "I do not have long to live...but I
will build you a larger cage and leave you in comfort before I
go." The cricket, unsure that Kuai Xiang will build him the kind
of cage he wants, uses his antennae to paint an appropriate
design. In the morning, an amazed Kuai Xiang finds the plans and
builds the cricket's home, but when Cai Xin sees the cage, he
mistakenly identifies it as the structure the Emperor has sought,
and so a cricket's cage becomes the design for the Forbidden
City's watchtowers.
Czernecki's text and illustrations are placed on facing pages
with both being effectively bordered with a rich yellow
embroidered design, yellow being the colour only the Emperor could wear. Described as "an avid student of Chinese culture and
history," Czernecki has employed Chinese mineral and vegetable
pigments in creating his illustrations.
A most useful addition to school and public libraries'
traditional literature collections.
Highly recommended.
Dave Jenkinson teaches children's and adolescent literature
courses at the Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba.
To comment on this title or this review, send mail to cm@umanitoba.ca.
Copyright © 1997 the Manitoba Library Association.
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Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364