CM . . . .
Volume VII Number 19 . . . . May 25, 2001
There Have Always Been Foxes.
Maxine Trottier. Illustrated by Regolo Ricci.
Toronto, ON: Stoddart Kids, 2001.
24 pp., cloth, $19.95.
ISBN 0-7737-3278-0.
Subject Headings: Foxes-Folklore.
Legends-Nova Scotia-Louisbourg.
Preschool - grade 4 / Ages 4 - 9.
Review by Dave Jenkinson.
*** /4
There have always been foxes in this place. Its fields and forests are our haunts. We watch over
them and have seen more things than there are stars in the sky.
When farm dogs bark in the night and the young ones cannot sleep, we tell a story. It is a true
tale. When I heard it first, I was only a kit, all warm and sleepy in the den, my belly filled with
mother's milk. But I remembered, and so I pass it on.
Having produced the first two volumes of a YA historical fiction trilogy plus a number of picture
books, such as Flags and Storm at Batoche, which relate to Canada's past, Trottier's
credentials in the area of historical writing are certainly well established. With There Have
Always Been Foxes, Trottier provides a most unusual, but enticing, history of the area
surrounding what was the French settlement of Louisbourg on Cape Breton. What makes this
history so unusual is that it is being told from the perspective of a fox that is passing on a story
which has been told though generations of foxes. As the title indicates, while many things about
the area, and Louisbourg in particular, have changed over the years, unchanged is the fact that
foxes have always roamed the area and still continue to do so. Initially, the narrator takes readers
back to the days of unspoiled forests before the white man came to this part of North America
and to a time in which foxes lived in relative harmony with the indigenous "people." Then the
fox, using images meaningful to animals, describes the arrival of Europeans who "flew across the
sea in ships that were taller than any spruce. Huge sails billowed as white as the breasts of gulls."
The fox remarks on the construction of the fortress, its eventual destruction and its
transformation into a cow pasture before being eventually rebuilt. After the fortress was
destroyed, "for many years no fox would walk there," but following the reconstruction,
"sometimes when the night is still and winter crisps the grass, I step through the fortress gates
and walk the cold streets as they slumber around me." There, under the starlit sky, the fox
gambols with a cat.
Trottier's brief text effectively leaves much unsaid, allowing inquisitive older students, for
example, to explore the full historical implications imbedded in lines such as "The bellies of their
ships would be filled with mountains of glittering cod to be dried in the sun" or "When more
ships came, men spilled from them like ants to march against the fortress." A full page closing
"Author's Note" provides a brief history of the French settlement of Louisbourg plus a note on
how Trottier got the story idea while visiting a home on Cape Breton where she heard a tale
about "how, years ago, a fox was sometimes seen dancing with a cat that lived inside the
Regolo's dark, romantic oil paintings, which flow across pairs of facing pages, are, as a cover
note indicates, "in the style of the old masters." Full of detail, they evoke a mood of quietness
despite the activity which they portray. The one small complaint is that Regolo's cat which
appears in two of the three closing illustrations bears a strong resemblance to a dog.
A worthy addition to libraries' picture book collections.
Dave Jenkinson teaches courses in children's and YA literature in the Faculty of Education, the
University of Manitoba.
To comment on this title or this review, send mail to cm@umanitoba.ca.
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Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364