About CM

About CM: Canadian Review of Materials

What are we?
CM: Canadian Review of Materials is an electronic reviewing journal.
We review Canadiana of interest to children and young adults, including publications produced in Canada, or published elsewhere but of special interest or significance to Canada, such as those having a Canadian writer, illustrator or subject. We review books and DVDs.

The symbol beside each entry in the table of contents for the journal will signify that it is Canadiana. Non-Canadian materials represented by Canadian publishers will be selectively reviewed. These reviews will be identified with a International symbol. Non-Canadian materials that do not have a Canadian distributor will not be reviewed.

We also publish news regarding awards and author/illustrator interviews.

Who needs us?
Kids, parents, teachers, librarians, and professionals working with young people.

When do we publish?
We are now publishing on Fridays, weekly from September through June.

Authors/illustrators, publishers/producers: if you quote from a CM review in whole or in part, please acknowledge the source as follow: CM: Canadian Review of Materials. Do not include the reviewer's name as part of attirbution.

CM has an unrestricted access policy: there is no charge for reading CM. We do ask regular readers, however, for an annual contribution to help defray costs. Donations sent to CM qualify as a charitable donation.

Publishers and producers may send materials for review to the postal address listed below.

Postal address:
CM: Canadian Review of Materials
Attn. D. Jenkinson
305-93 Swindon Way
Winnipeg, MB R3P 0W3