A Ticket Around the World
A Ticket Around the World
India is known for its ancient temples, spicy curries and the game of cricket. It has over a billion people and sixteen official languages - Hindi and English are two of them. A few hours from the capital of New Delhi, you’ll find the famous Taj Mahal, a three-hundred-year-old monument visited by millions of tourists each year.
Namaste! This is a respectful greeting in Hindi. I’m visiting my friend Meena. She lives in Mumbai, India’s second largest city.
India is very hot. People wear light cotton clothing to stay cool. Some parts of the country experience heavy rainstorms, called monsoons.
A Ticket Around the World is a very colourful visual introduction to 13 countries: Canada, the United States, Costa Rica, Brazil, Morocco, France, Greece, Jordan, India, China, Philippines, Botswana, and Australia. Young readers curious about exploring the world would find this light read very informative as it is an overview of various topics for each location. For example, each place includes a greeting in the local language, an example of a traditional food, an explanation of typical climate in the area, a cultural celebration and a famous attraction in that country.
Each country is portrayed on a two-page spread. There is a short introductory paragraph, and the rest of the text on the pages are more like detailed captions accompanied by a visual depiction of the fact. Most of the information is conveyed through visuals like the large maps of each country that includes animals specific to the area, terrain (mountains, trees), and cities the narrator visits. The cartoon-like illustrations are digitally drawn, and the people are not drawn in an overly stereotypical manner. However, there is an error as some animals in China are not accurately located on the map, but the rest of the information in the book is reliable.
A Ticket Around the World would be useful for children learning to read maps and to assist them in locating other countries in the world. Overall, the book provides a visually appealing overview of countries around the world. The spacious layout and detailed illustrations will attract a range of young readers, from the reluctant to the avid.
Sheryl Lee is a mother of two young children and a teacher-librarian in New Westminster, British Columbia.