Mini-Jon’s Experiments 2

Mini-Jon’s Experiments 2
[Mini-Jon] Come on, Mimi-Maple. We have a mission to accomplish.
[Mini-Maple] What is it again?
[Mini-Jon] We have to find some plutonium. According to Uncle Plasma, it’s the best fuel to get to the centre of the universe.
[Mini-Maple] Where’s there is a black hole that will take us back home?
[Mini-Jon] Exactly! We’ll be with Henry again soon. I’m sure he misses us.
[Mini-Maple] I don’t think so.
[Mini-Jon] There. Crystals! There must be plutonium...
[Mini-Maple] Hee hee! Everything is sticky!
[Mini-Jon] Be careful, Mini-Maple. This planet is highly toxic! It’s because of the last inhabitants. They weren’t careful about pollution, and their planet became uninhabitable.
[Mini-Maple] That’s not true. There are monsters right there.
[Mini-Jon] What are you talking about, Mini-Maple...?
[Mini-Jon] ...No way! We’re on Dinosaur Planet!!!
(From “My Friend The Dinosaur”.)
Mini-Jon’s Experiments 2 picks up the plot at the exact point that Mini-Jon’s Experiments 1 concluded. Like the first book, Mini-Jon’s Experiments 2 is divided into two-page, self-contained chapters/experiments and longer sections, with there being 10 of the former and three of the latter. Appropriately, the longer numbered segments are each called “The Great Quest” as Min-Jon’s self-appointed task is to recover the mini-universe and return it to Henry B. Belton’s lab. The final four pages offer readers a map of Mini-Jon’s travels through the mini-universe.
Though Mini-Jon’s Experiments 2 could perhaps be read on its own, readers will have a much more fulfilling experience if they have read the first volume as it contains information they will need in order to understand the relationships among the characters.
Fans of the action-packed Mini-Jon’s Experiments 1 will enjoy the sequel, Mini-Jon’s Experiments 2.
Dave Jenkinson, CM’s editor, lives in Winnipeg, Manitoba.