On My Mountain

On My Mountain
On my mountain there are many beautiful things.
But there is also danger on my mountain.
And then there’s the Other, the one I try to avoid. The one my ancestors and I have been fearing for so long.
Already an international hit in French and available in English for the first time, On My Mountain is a picture book powerhouse. Upon first glance, it appears to be a straightforward story about life on a mountain. However, upon closer inspection, readers will find that this flippable book tells the same story from two different points of view: a wolf’s and a shepherd’s. With a world so often divided by the dichotomy of personal experience, author François Aubineau’s story is a timely and necessary one.
Both the shepherd and the wolf live on the mountain. They love their home, they use the land around them as a means for survival, they frolic in the grass with their children and want to feel safe nestled amongst the wild. Yet they each see their shared landscape in distinctly different ways. And it is this difference, so eloquently represented, that makes this book so remarkable.
Although both the wolf and the shepherd tell the same story, in identical words no less, the bold and beautiful illustrations from Jérôme Peyrat effectively portray their difference in perspective in impactful visual ways. The shepherd oversees the mountain land and thus views the environment around him from afar. Here, the wildness is illustrated from a more distant perspective. A clear contrast between man and nature is shown. Recognizably different are the pages where the wolf is the narrator. Here, readers see the wild in close-up and zoomed in views. Several beautiful scenes display the wolf on level ground with other living things such as flowers, bees, and grass. Peyrat’s illustrations echo and enhance Aubineau’s words, allowing for both a visual and literal interpretation of the varied experiences on the mountain.
Examining themes of wildness, nature, perspective, tolerance, and cohabitation, On My Mountain is the epitome of a perfect picture book. Its simple yet powerful message provides multiple entry points for readers of all ages. It’s a book that every teacher, librarian, and parent should have on the top of their “to be read” list. On My Mountain is also a timely tale that fits well into the surge of environmentalism that has captured our youths’ attention. With few words and vivid illustrations, the book acts as a much needed reminder that we, as humans, share this world. Thus, when we step into the wild, we must do so with respect and careful consideration of the impact that both our feet and our views leave behind.
Amy Westbury teaches Grades 6 & 7 at Abbey Lane Public School in Oakville, Ontario.