
There are four types of caribou that live in Canada - barren ground caribou, Peary caribou, woodland caribou, and Grant’s caribou. Barren ground caribou are the most common type of caribou in Canada.
Caribou, part of the “Animals Illustrated” series, is excellent. The book is deftly illustrated by Amanda Sandland. There are no photographs, but they are unnecessary as the illustrations are amazing.
The above excerpt was selected as it shows how broadly the authors, Nunavut elders Dorothy and David Aglukark, introduce the subject. In the following pages, the book narrows in focus specifically to the barren ground caribou. The authors cover subtopics, including diet, babies, antlers, and the herd. All book sections are interesting to any reader but are well-suited to the publisher’s target audience. There is a table of contents that would help more skilled readers find facts efficiently.
No section is longer than two pages, and a simple labeled illustration shows the skeleton of a caribou. Caribou could be read independently or shared as a class read-aloud.
John Dryden is a teacher-librarian in the Cowichan Valley, British Columbia.