I Was Born Precious and Sacred
I Was Born Precious and Sacred
I was born Precious and Sacred...and this I need to know.
My body is Precious and Sacred...and this I need to know.
People who treat me with respect know that I am Precious and Sacred...and this I need to know.
This small book delivers a sizable message in brief, simple language and endearing color photographs, mostly of children. Nicely integrated here, these tools are an effective way to convey its tightly focused objective: bringing awareness of the concepts and values that uphold Indigenous ancestral teachings. The book will achieve its purpose when those teachings are shared in conversations with the youngest community members, as well as families.
In the refrain on each page, children will hear about dignity in body and mind, self-esteem, rights to safety, love, respect and understanding. They will learn of their special place in society that empowers them to carry the future of their people. For the community in general, the message is a reminder of their heritage and the need to preserve it.
I Was Born Precious and Sacred is the first in a proposed series, “Precious and Sacred”, published in partnership with Victoria Native Friendship Centre. The goal is to reach and support cultural organizations with these reflections.
Gillian Richardson is a freelance writer living in British Columbia.