Amazing Black Atlantic Canadians: Inspiring Stories of Courage and Achievement

Amazing Black Atlantic Canadians: Inspiring Stories of Courage and Achievement
In 1825, when she was fifty-one years old, Rose started her own business. A Black woman starting her own business was unheard of at that time. Women, especially Black women, were considered inferior to white people and weren’t expected to achieve much of anything in life. But that didn’t stop Rose. Using a wheelbarrow, Rose would move luggage between the ferry docks and nearby homes and hotels. Rose was quick to stop any young men who tried to cut into her profits by providing the same services themselves. The role, often done by men called baggage masters, was looked down upon by many and often times people would try to steal the baggage they offered to carry. The fact that people trusted Rose enough to carry their baggage shows that she was respected in the community.
Her luggage-carrying business eventually included a wake-up service, where she would alert travellers at nearby inns that their ships were getting ready to depart. Because of all the time she spent at the ferry docks, Rose gradually took on the role of security guard for the wharves and warehouses, acting as Annapolis Royals waterfront policy officer. She was tough-she carried a stick as her weapon and would ward off anyone who caused trouble around the docks, and made sure everyone was following the town’s nightly curfew.
Many historians consider Rose the first female police officer in Canada.
People who achieve great things are sometimes forgotten, and some are never recognized. Through short biographies, Amazing Black Atlantic Canadians: Inspiring Stories of Courage and Achievement highlights the actions and achievements of Black Atlantic Canadians who have left their mark with groundbreaking firsts and by inspiring change. Beginning with historical background, profiles are organized into five groups: athletes, artists, movers and shakers, military heroes, and ‘a few firsts’, making it easy for readers to find profiles that they would find most interesting or the inspiration they’re looking for. Along with profiles of real people, sections on the history of Black communities and the contributions of Black Atlantic Canadians are found throughout the book, emphasizing the contributions and experiences of Black Atlantic Canadians whose names did not make it into history books.
Several profiles are accompanied by detailed colour illustrations, putting a face to the important Black Atlantic Canadians, past and present, being celebrated. With select facts in green text boxes, ‘did you know?’s in blue boxes, and a timeline of important dates at the back of the book, readers get a taste of each bio and will be drawn to important facts. In addition to the highlighted facts, words found in bold text throughout the book are defined in a glossary, and a chronology of important dates in history provides a summary of important events. These features work together to give readers a fuller context of events. By discovering where the featured individuals fit in, readers will be inspired by the achievements of Black Atlantic Canadians throughout history. The engaging profiles can encourage readers to learn more about the featured individuals and other individuals named in the profiles as well as to seek out other people and events that should be better known. The books, websites, and films listed under “Further Resources” give readers a place to begin or continue their research. Students may be motivated to create short biographies of people from their area, or people they admire.
Opening with “What does it mean to be amazing?”, Amazing Black Atlantic Canadians: Inspiring Stories of Courage and Achievement gets readers thinking about what makes someone amazing. With their ideas in mind, readers are introduced to noteworthy Black Atlantic Canadians from the 1700s to the present who show there are many ways to be amazing and inspire positive change. Readers, regardless of background or location, will enjoy learning about the incredible lives and achievements of Black Atlantic Canadians. These stories of individuals, past and present, who overcame obstacles and were inspired to do what they loved, will inspire any reader to pursue their dreams while demonstrating that nothing is impossible – anything is possible if you put your mind to it!
Crystal Sutherland (MLIS, MEd (Literacy)) is the librarian at the Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women in Halifax, Nova Scotia.