Death & Sparkles: Book 1

Death & Sparkles: Book 1
Yeah….Death can be messy….But I guess someone has to do this dirty work.
It’s my job. I’ve just done it for so long….
Why not just quit? Then we could play X-tendo all day!
Ha! Just quit! Huh….Noooooo, I couldn’t do that!
This rollicking graphic novel features two unlikely friends. One is Death, bored and disillusioned with his job sending souls to the after world; the other is Sparkles, newly dead and overwhelmed by his celebrity status as “the last unicorn”. Forced together by circumstance, Death and Sparkles embark on a whirlwind adventure that is both wacky and tinged by existential angst. Justus’ rapid-fire dialogue centres on topics like consumerism, the ills of social media and finding self-worth in the face of celebrity. In a parallel plotline to that of Death and Sparkles, a trio of alien lizards attempt to convince humanity of the need for environmental conservation, but they get sidetracked by an opportunity to become social media influencers. All these weighty themes are packaged alongside smart quips and a great deal of toilet humour, making them easily digested by young readers. The book also showcases a strong friendship at its centre, making clear that life is made richer and more fulfilling by the relationships we treasure and work to maintain despite differences of character and background. The narrative is complemented by dynamic illustrations rendered in pastel tones.
Death & Sparkles is a book for our times made better by plenty of “sunshine and rainbows and cotton candy.”
Chloe Humphreys works as a Youth Services Librarian at Surrey Libraries in beautiful British Columbia.