Who Was the First Man on the Moon? Neil Armstrong
Who Was the First Man on the Moon? Neil Armstrong
Neil Armstrong’s journey to the moon began long before Apollo 11, Gemini 8, or even being named an astronaut. It started in a small Ohio town in the 1930s, where, as a young boy, Neil’s dream of a life of flying became a reality, and he learned the lessons that would mold him into the person we celebrate today. The first man to walk on the moon.
A recent installment in the popular “Who HQ Graphic Novel” series, Who Was the First Man on the Moon? details Neil Armstrong’s journey to become an astronaut and his historic involvement in the Apollo 11 mission. The biographical information of Armstrong’s life is presented in colourful vignettes detailing his curiosity and adventurous spirit as a boy. Readers learn that his passion for flight began early in his life and was fueled by earning his pilot’s license at the age of 16. One formative and harrowing experience involves the death of a fellow student pilot while another tells of D earned on a science fair project, to the chagrin of Armstrong. Each episode highlights Armstrong’s determination, focus and tenacity. The book intersperses stories from his early life with moments from the thrilling Apollo 11 mission to the moon in 1969. Shannon’s illustrations, rendered in a vintage comic-book style, offer sweeping vistas of Armstrong’s native Ohio set in contrast with the pockmarked surface of the moon. Page builds suspense through naturalistic dialogue between the astronauts as they navigate complex landing protocols and fuel calculations. Readers learn additional background information about NASA space suits, the lunar module, and Armstrong’s fellow astronauts, Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin, through one-page asides on each topic that break up the biographical narrative. A timeline of key events and a bibliography for young readers complete the book.
Who Was the First Man on the Moon? is an elegant and action-filled introduction to Neil Armstrong’s accomplishments and legacy.
Chloe Humphreys works as a Youth Services Librarian at Surrey Libraries in beautiful British Columbia.