Don’t Eat Bees (Life Lessons from Chip the Dog)

Don’t Eat Bees (Life Lessons from Chip the Dog)
Do: Eat Grandpa’s teeth. It will make Grandpa smile, and that, my friend, will make everyone smile. (But don’t eat bees.)
Do: Eat the foods your small person doesn’t like to eat. This will make them love you, and they will scratch the special itchy spot you can’t reach. Yes peas, no bees.
Chip the Dog considers himself extremely knowledgeable about what to eat and what not to eat. Throughout Don't Eat Bees (Life Lessons from Chip the Dog), he shares with readers his list of what to eat, a list that includes items such as socks, important papers (also known as a child’s homework), the Thanksgiving turkey, the cat’s food, and even Grandpa’s false teeth. Chip suggests that you don’t eat lemons or fire and is adamant that you never, ever eat bees.
Dev Petty and Mike Boldt, the author/illustrator team of I Don’t Want to Be a Frog and There’s Nothing to Do!, have another fun picture book for young readers. Don't Eat Bees (Life Lessons from Chip the Dog) is a laugh-out-loud book that is perfect for children and adults to share in a hilarious read-aloud experience. Author Dev Petty’s clever and repeated use of the bold-faced words Do:, Don’t:, and Eat , often accompanied by a rationale for these directives, builds the humour involved in Chip’s antics. And then readers are left with the unexpected finale involving an encounter with a real bee followed by a cactus? Mike Boldt’s large, colourful and humorous illustrations capture both the mischievous personality of Chip and the entertaining and sometimes disastrous situations he puts his family through. Even when the story is over, readers will have a final chuckle reading Boldt’s Chip’s Diner —since 7 years ago—menu on the back of the book jacket.
Dog lovers and even those without a pet will love this highly enjoyable read-aloud picture book. Don't Eat Bees (Life Lessons from Chip the Dog) will provide fun and laughter for readers of all ages.
Janice Foster is a retired teacher and teacher-librarian in Winnipeg, Manitoba.