Star Eaters

Star Eaters
“Do you think there is anyone alive out there?” Calla asked in a quiet voice.
Destin shook his head. He swallowed hard. “No way.”
“We should look,” she said. “There could be someone, right?”
“We won’t find anyone,” Destin said. “We’re all alone. Forever alone.”
She backed away from the window. “Is this what will happen to my planet?”
“Yes,” he said. His voice was shaky.
“Please, you can’t let this happen,” she said.
Destin looked at his timekeeper. They only had one day before her sun would die forever, and soon IRIS would come looking for him. He checked his power cells. They were still full. He could return to base or take Calla back. He could not do both. He had to choose, and choose now.
“Will you help me, Destin?” Calla asked.”
Destin’s life is well-planned. Since he has no memory of his childhood or where he came from, he is happy to work for IRIS after training as a Star Eater. His ship travels the galaxies looking for suns from which he can steal energy. His work is challenging as he masters the necessary advanced technology. However, there is a glimmer of conscience as he wonders about stealing energy and thus destroying planets he’s never seen in order to complete his missions. This glimmer becomes a bright light when Calla stows away on his ship and makes Destin face reality.
This short novel will appeal to a great many young adult readers. The story is science fiction and also contains adventure and romance. Readers will be interested in how Destin makes his decision and what will ultimately be his and Calla’s fate. The book is part of the “Orca Anchor” series which is aimed at young adults who have difficulty reading. Because it is written below a grade 2 reading level, the story is naturally short, fast-paced and dependent on the plot as opposed to spending pages dedicated to character development or setting.
However, author Carter investigates some timely themes in Star Eaters. She examines corporate greed as a motivation versus doing what is right on a more individual, personal level. Destin realizes the importance of preserving the natural environment over his training to simply take what IRIS wants despite the dire consequences. Environmental sustainability is the eventual key to success and happiness for both Destin and Calla.
Ann Ketcheson, a retired teacher-librarian and high school teacher of English and French, lives in Ottawa, Ontario.