The Morning We Met

The Morning We Met
Could you feel that you were getting closer to me?
Soon, you and I would become we!
You started to see where you’d grow and play,
And develop your gifts from the world some day.
new babies joining Maritime communities this year. Howard, a Prince Edward Island painter, has steeped her new picture book with an obvious sense of place. Had I never visited Prince Edward Island, I would still, somehow, know what she was painting. The vistas, coasts and skies she captures evoke the island perfectly. The book sweeps along as a child is welcomed into the arms of their mother for the first time. “Sweeps” is the right word here as gold painted speckles follow the path between the pages, reminding the reader of the unique golden magic newly born babies bring. Howard’s paintings are lush and full of movement.
The rhyming text is sweet enough, telling the simple tale of a baby sojourning down from the sky to meet their mom. While I was personally unclear if the journey of the baby “from up so high” was in reference to the heavens or perhaps an allusion to adoption, the general arc of babies journeying to parents is certainly one many readers enjoy. The Morning We Met is a perfect gift for new parents, particularly those with ties to the Maritime provinces. Fans of this book would do well to check out Howard’s affordable art project on her personal website where small works reminiscent of The Morning We Met are occasionally available.
Catherine-Laura Dunnington holds a PhD. in education from the University of Ottawa. She teaches preschool.