Merry Quizmas!
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Merry Quizmas!
Kooky Christmas Doodle
To take this quiz, you will need a blank piece of paper, a pen or pencil and a friend. Have your friend read you the instructions while you do your best to follow them. Add up your score to find out what job in Santa’s workshop best suits you! Don’t forget to let your friend take a turn.
Draw Santa’s sleigh.
Draw Santa.
Add presents to your drawing.
It’s snowing! Draw snowflakes.
Add a Christmas tree.
Put ornaments on the tree.
And some tinsel.
Almost done! Add a chimney for Santa to slide down.
Your sleigh is…
In the centre of the paper. 5 points
To the left of centre. 3 points
To the right of centre. 2 points
Becker’s new quiz book contains over 30 Christmas themed activities that school-aged children can do alone or with several people. These activities include a 10 question multiple choice test about Canadian Christmas traditions; an activity where the reader has to look at a drawing of a wrapped present and guess what’s inside from the choices given, a Fill in the Blank quiz that tests Christmas carol lyric knowledge, and fun pages where one can find their secret elf name based on their first name and last name initials. Children will need to know some basic addition for the quizzes that require scoring (“How Much Christmas Spirit Do You Have?” and “What’s in Your Stocking”), but the numbers never go beyond 300. Some activities require readers to provide one correct answer (no choices are given) while others include interactions where readers pick which way they want the story to go. Becker includes riddles, jokes, and “Brain Busters” that involve thinking outside of the box. The book includes references to several different Christmas traditions from around the world, including religion and traditional meals.
Although Merry Quizmas! is all about Christmas, the quizzes also tie in questions about pop culture, sports, and questions that allow the reader to be self-reflective. Pencils and paper are all that are needed to enjoy this book. If the reader desires, most of the activities can be completed inside the book itself. Cute black and white cartoon styled illustrations add even more of a Christmas feel to the book. Merry Quizmas! would make a great stocking stuffer because its contents would provide fun activities (with a little learning thrown in) to do over the Christmas holidays.
Tanya Boudreau is a librarian at the Cold Lake Public Library in Cold Lake, Alberta.