The Weird Sisters: A Robin, a Ribbon, and a Lawn Mower

The Weird Sisters: A Robin, a Ribbon, and a Lawn Mower
When the people of Covenly had a mystery to solve, they never hired the members of The Three Sisters’ Detective Agency: not Hildegurp, not Yuckmina, not Glubbifer. The sisters were too weird. One was bony, one was round, and one had knuckles that rubbed the ground.
They had brooms but never swept. They owned no car but never missed an event.
They ran their pet emporium and detective agency from the bottom floor of their home at 1313 Jitters Drive, which overlooked the town. The house suited the sisters and their cat, Graymalkin, perfectly. It wasn’t a scary house at all.
If you were a spider.
Or a ghoul.
People, however, stayed away. All except their young friend, Jessica Nibley. (Pp. 8-10)
The three weird sisters are settling into their new home in Covenly. They befriend young Jessica Nibley, but their business ventures, a detective agency and a pet emporium, are not a success. They have no customers because the residents of Covenly think they are “too weird”. They struggle to fit into their new community.
The sisters and Jessica decide to relax by trying the only tire swing in town. On the way to the swing, they encounter their neighbour, Cosmo Keene, who is using a dolly to transport something he has purchased from a recycling store. The group is very curious about what Cosmo is doing. They soon encounter another mystery. “When Jessica and the sisters arrived at the chestnut tree near the center of town, they could not believe their eyes. The town’s beloved tire swing lay on the grass, its rope severed in the middle.” (p. 18) They decide they must try to solve the mystery of the tire swing!
The investigation involves several members of the Covenly community: Officer Golsa Nazeri, Mayor Ronald Bombast, ambitious cook Chelsea Oh, a missing robin, realtor and painter Rupert Flinch, and thrift store owner Leona Swapnik. Officer Nazeri takes the sisters and Jessica to see Mayor Ronald Bombast to begin the investigation. He immediately deputizes them to help solve the mystery of the tire swing. The detectives suspect Cosmo Keene because of his unusual activity and his new lawn mower. They visit Leona Swapnik’s thrift store to investigate Cosmo’s purchases, and the investigation takes them to Chelsea Oh’s home where they discover that the robin that usually nests near her home has disappeared. Meanwhile, the mayor enlists Rupert Flinch to redesign the tire swing so that the mayor can have a ribbon cutting ceremony. These investigative threads lead the investigators to solve the mystery and bring the community together to celebrate Cosmo’s birthday.
In this second novel in “Weird Sisters Detective Agency” series, the first being The Weird Sisters: A Note, a Goat, and a Casserole (, the three witches, inspired by Shakespeare’s Macbeth characters, are investigating the unusual crime of vandalism against the tire swing in the middle of Covenly. Their detective agency has been faltering, but their determination to become part of the community remains strong. They must use their magic sparingly in order not to scare their neighbours. Their investigation involves: a robin, a love potion, a ribbon cutting ceremony, a mayor interested in public relations, a lawn mower, a new romance, and several disguises, In the end, the witches and their fellow citizens work together and celebrate the resolution of the mystery.
The characters from the first novel are once again part of the fast-paced action. These characters present readers with a diverse community of citizens who care deeply about Covenly. Although they may not agree on much, they do agree that working together is the best way to promote community spirit. Mark David Smith’s highly accessible text of this novel is full of playful puns and wordplay which will expose young readers to the joys of language. Kari Rust’s black and white illustrations give readers insight into the interesting and amusing action in this novel. Readers who enjoy unusual characters, amusing situations, and mystery will enjoy The Weird Sisters: A Robin, a Ribbon, and a Lawn Mower and look forward to the next one in the series.
Myra Junyk, a literacy advocate and author, resides in Toronto, Ontario.