So Long, Stress!

So Long, Stress!
This book is a resource I would have loved to have had in my middle school years. It offers a wide variety of strategies to help you cope with daily stress. I use many of these strategies now, and they work for me.
Not all of the tips you’ll find in this book will work for you, but many will! The trick is to create your own personal stress-reduction “tool-kit” full of strategies you can rely on again and again. (from the author’s introduction, “Stress Happens”)
Part 1 of So Long, Stress! begins by explaining stress as “the way the body reacts to challenges, both good and bad.” This opening with the explanation and illustration of how the body reacts to stress leads to the next section, “How Does Stress Feel”. The simple statement that stress feels differently for different people and in different situations leads the reader into the key premise of the book which is learning how to recognize how you feel stress and then to explore ways to manage it.
So Long, Stress! is a colourful, attractively formatted guide that will appeal to middle grade readers. Individuals feel connected with the inclusion of a wide variety of common everyday stresses they might experience in daily life .The placement of text boxes with headings such as ‘Know Your Stress Triggers’ and ‘Mistakes are Amazing’ lets readers stop and think about what they have read and then formulate their own ideas. Full-coloured and patterned backgrounds, clear text, and comic style illustrations by Filipino-Canadian illustrator Joanna Sevilla provide an inviting reading experience. Stress is a serious topic, and, in a clear, factual way, author Helaine Becker acknowledges the importance of dealing with stress so that the intended reading audience feels empowered.
Middle year readers will find So Long, Stress! to be a comprehensive reference book that they can revisit often or whenever the need arises. Stressful situations will vary throughout the teen years, and So Long, Stress! addresses a range of strategies to deal with them. There are five parts or chapter headings: 1.What is stress?; 2.Developing stress-fighting habits; 3.Taking care of emotions; 4.Tackling stressful situations; and 5.When to get help. Each part walks the reader through topics such as developing habits to handle stress, managing emotions and healthy relationships, expressing yourself creatively, developing strategies when you’re under pressure or overwhelmed and finally guidance in finding help when it’s needed. The inclusion of a list of resources such as Internet websites, videos, books and mobile apps provides further information. It is worth noting that preceding the suggested websites, a list of five reminders dealing with Internet safety are provided . A two page index assists with accessing topics and terms.
Helaine Becker is an award-winning author of over 90 books for children and young adults, including another book on this topic for a younger audience; grades 2 to 5, You Got This! 100 Tips for Being Your Stress-Free Best. At first, some older readers might consider the use of a colourful format along with the ‘cute’ illustrations a bit juvenile. However, reading their way through the numerous suggested strategies for handling stress will definitely give them ‘food for thought’, and the design features and illustrations, themselves, add a comfortable, friendly feel to the book. So Long, Stress! is not a book to read through once. Rather it’s a reference to read, likely in parts or smaller sections, to share and reread several times. Parents and adults who work with young adults would appreciate the book’s straightforward and positive approach that empowers youth to explore and manage the stresses in their lives.
Janice Foster, a retired teacher and teacher-librarian, resides in Winnipeg, Manitoba.