Buffalo Fluffalo

Buffalo Fluffalo
I'm the Buffalo Fluffalo -
I heave and I huffalo.
Leave me alone because
I've had enuffalo!
In Buffalo Fluffalo, a grumpy buffalo is approached by a cornucopia of fellow creatures who attempt to cheer him up but to no effect. Rebuffing his friends and maintaining his cantankerous demeanor, Fluffalo is stopped in his tracks by a sudden downpour which causes his previously lustrous and full coat of fur to flatten. Suddenly, the buffalo doesn't look as tough anymore. Fluffalo's animal friends reassure him that his brawny act can disappear, stating, "We like you just fine without all your puff." The buffalo apologizes, determined to fix his previously unfriendly behaviour, and is rewarded with friendly kisses.
Buffalo Fluffalo is a short and compelling story about acceptance and friendship, perfect for a Valentine's Day display or storytime event. Rhyming helps to move the story along, and the repetition of the above quotation throughout the story enhances a read-aloud experience. It could also serve as a great tool in teaching mood/emotion and perception issues to school-aged children.
The illustrations, though, are where this title shines. The landscape views, reminiscent of the foothills outside of Calgary, are colourful and expansive, enhancing the reader's understanding of a mountain ecosystem. One scene depicting "a dark, doomy cloud [blocking] the sun out" contains a startling mix of blues and yellows, capturing the animal's terror. Readers are also introduced to various Canadian mountain-dwelling animals with delightful expressions.
Buffalo Fluffalo is a must-have for all Canadian picture book collections.
Roxy Garstad is a Collections Librarian at MacEwan University in Edmonton, Alberta.