Stars in My Crown

Stars in My Crown
As Little Tony walked home that day, he heard his Grandma Excelly’s voice in his mind: “Will there be any stars, any stars in my crown, when at evening the sun goes down?” and he hummed along.
Little Tony looked up at the stars sparkling above him, and he realized that no matter how far away he felt from Trinidad or Grandma Excelly, if he could remember her song, he could hold his head high.
And he would always feel at home.
Little Tony lives in Trinidad, a tropical island, and enjoys playing in the jungle. He lives with his grandmother, Excelly, and his brother, Junior. He has a quick temper, getting easily upset over small things, such as when his grandmother combs his hair. However, he is generally a happy boy, curious about the events in his life and the rainforest. He plays with the animals and enjoys the environment and landscape around him, along with the homemade food.
However, Tony often throws tantrums when he encounters things he doesn't like. He always feels remorseful after losing his temper. His grandmother Excelly is usually very understanding and asks him about the reason for his upset. She loves singing, and Tony adores her singing which creates a homey atmosphere. One of their favorite songs is “Will There Be Any Stars?” with lyrics about stars and crowns. Grandma tries to use this song to help Tony manage his temper, suggesting that patience is like a star on a crown, making one feel at home anywhere. Tony aims to earn his first 'star' by being patient and not losing his temper, but he struggles to achieve this goal despite remembering Excelly’s advice.
Eventually, Tony and Junior move to Canada with their aunt. Tony is initially both fearful and intrigued by the change, given the vastly different lifestyles. He is shocked by the cold weather, new landscape, and unfamiliar animals, and his taste in food shifts to favour perogies. Communicating in Canada poses a challenge, making Tony nostalgic for his life in the rainforest and longing for his grandmother.
That winter, while learning to ice-skate, Tony falls and becomes the subject of laughter, which angers him. However, recalling Excelly’s song about stars and crowns helps him calm down, and he feels a sense of pride and strength in controlling his temper. Looking at the stars that evening, he realizes that Excelly’s song and voice can make him feel at home anywhere.
The illustrations beautifully depict Trinidad, offering vivid contexts of its environment and lifestyle. They also highlight the contrasts between Trinidad and Canada in landscapes, attire, weather, and fauna. As someone who has never visited Trinidad or a rainforest, the illustrations sparked my imagination about life in Trinidad.
Stars in My Crown portrays the strong bond between Tony and his grandmother. As a newcomer in Canada, Tony continually reminisces about his grandmother, illustrating her lasting influence on his life in a new country. It's a heartwarming story that introduces Canadian readers to the experiences of immigrant children.
Yina Liu is a doctoral student in language and literacy at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta.