Ace and the Misfits
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Ace and the Misfits
I’m not supposed to say anything, but my mom is moving my sister and I to Canada. I don’t know why exactly. She just said with Dad gone, it’d be safer for us…That she could support us better there than in Uganda. We’ll be staying with my Uncle Jackson somewhere called Toronto. You can’t say anything, okay? If anyone asks, tell them she got a new job or something over there… (p. 14)
Patrick, known as Ace, is in grade 8, and Olive, his sister, is in grade 11. They move with their mother, a journalist who has spoken out about the government in Uganda, to Toronto to be closer to their Uncle Jackson. Ace hates to leave his friends and his football team. He desperately wants to fit in with his classmates, but he doesn’t know how to do so. Despite Ace’s having excellent soccer skills, he is reluctant to join the team. His mother is focused totally on his doing well academically. Ace struggles with his new culture, his school subjects, and how to fit in as he misses his friends from Uganda. He wants to be his true self, but, at age 13, this proves to be difficult. Ace’s school is very diverse in its makeup, and he meets several students in his class from other countries who help him with the transition. Together. they call themselves the misfits. Dwayne, aka King, Lutti, aka Trivia and from South Africa, and Erickson, aka Tower from Denmark, are the original members. Mathilda, who is Irish, Scottish and Italian, and Tim, who is in a math class with one of the Misfits, also join this group. They get together before and after school. With the encouragement of the Misfits, Ace overcomes his shyness and performs with them at a school talent show, an event that allows Ace to feel good about himself and his future in Canada.
I enjoyed the authenticity in this book. Ace must find his way in a new culture, a new school, and with new friends. Relatable characters, great dialogue and a passion for something that is loved are included. Each of the 12 chapters includes both a title which helps to indicate the direction of the plot and also a proverb taken from different places. For example, Chapter 6 is titled “Sacrifice”, and the accompanying African proverb is, “If a child eats sour fruit, it is the parents’ teeth that are set on edge.” Ace and the Misfits would be a good choice to read aloud in a classroom to provide opportunities for discussion.
Deborah Mervold, a retired educator from Shellbrook, Saskatchewan, has experience as a high school English teacher and teacher-librarian as well as post-secondary experience working with instructors at Saskatchewan Polytechnic. She is a lifelong learner with a love of reading.