Pride Colors

Pride Colors
A bright red heart, a little star.
I love you just the way you are.
Cuddles in orange, a snuggle, a snooze.
Be yourself, love who you choose.
Robin Stevenson is well-known for her work in LGBTQ+ literature for children and youth, and Pride Colors, though a brief board book in comparison to her YA novels and nonfiction for teens, is no exception. Told in verse, moving back and forth between nature and human interaction, the beautiful connections between human beings and the natural world is accentuated and celebrated in Pride Colors.
Every four pages include two pages of text and two pages of photography, all related to one particular color of the rainbow—in this case, the rainbow flag. The couples and children are all, in some way, identified within the LGBTQ+ spectrum, or are in some other way related to the color being discussed in the text. The children, couples, and families are each unique and diverse in their own ways, whether in terms of gender, sexuality, race, or something else entirely.
Affirming phrases, such as those in the above excerpt, remind adults reading the text (and ensure those listening) that no matter what, they are loved and accepted and are recognized within the open-ended nature of the flag. Along with Richard Van Camp’s Welcome Song for Baby and Sarah Yi-Mei Tsiang's Toesy Toes Pride Colors is a declaration of human difference and resilience in the face of so much adversity seen around the world today.
Rob Bittner has a PhD in Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies (SFU) and is also a graduate of the MA in Children’s Literature program at The University of British Columbia in Vancouver, British Columbia. He loves reading a wide range of literature but particularly stories with diverse depictions of gender and sexuality.