Marióna Tólósa Sisteré

Marióna Tólósa Sisteré
Which building has the most balconies?
In The City: An Adventure for Your Senses is a stimulating picture book that follows a family as they take an adventure through the bustling city they live in with their dog and neighbour in tow. Hand in hand, the group cross busy streets, get ice cream, take elevators, pass construction sites, go to a market, ride on a train, and finally return home for lunch. At each step, the group remarks on the many people, animals, machines and other sights that make up their busy, thriving city. Following the story are multiple two-page spreads encouraging everyone to explore their own cities safely and carefully while noting all the different sights, smells, sounds and tastes that make up everyday life.
Marióna Tólósa Sisteré’s illustration style is very distinct, with vibrant colours and shapes making up a quirky and inviting landscape. Older readers may need more of a story to absorb, but younger readers will enjoy the stimulation of each busy page and pointing out and imitating all the sounds of the city depicted throughout. The simple instructions and rooting of the book in the senses encourage readers to be mindful and observe everything around them in their own everyday life.
Tessie Riggs, a librarian living in Toronto, Ontario, never leaves the house without a book.