Songs in the Sea

Songs in the Sea
The next day, Little Whale followed Mama Whale into the deep dark ocean.
“Mama, you are as slow as a sleepy sea slug. Can I please go ahead?”
“OK,” said Mama Whale. But please don’t swim too far.”
It wasn’t long until Little Whale heard a voice.
Mama Whale had said not to swim too far...
But Little Whale wanted to help.
In the spring, Little Whale and Mama Whale started out on a long journey to the North Sea. They were going to look for food that would help Little Whale grow to be as big and strong as his mother. The only rule was that Little Whale stay close to Mother Whale through their travels. The illustrations show Little Whale curiously turning his attention away from his mother, and he soon tires of her slow pace. Mother Whale allows him to venture out a little, and, before you know it, he becomes separated from his mother when he’s confused by the loud rumblings in the ocean from a large barge that is passing by.
While searching to find his mother, Little Whale hears the songs in the sea which lead him to a variety of whales who don’t seem to know where his mother is. On his journey, he encounters danger when a giant squid prepares to eat him. Thankfully, he is rescued by a couple of sperm whales. Lonely, he simply wants to be back with his mother in their warm lagoon. Finally, two belugas lead him to an area where the songs of the whales guide him to his mother.
Songs of the Sea is a lovely adventure story to share with a young child. Following Little Whale on his lonely journey through the beautifully drawn sea with illustrations also created by the book’s author, Pheilm Martin. The images are washed in the deep blues and greens of the sea. One can almost feel how cold the water is in drawings of the deep sea which darkens when danger is close by. The book includes a brilliant foldout of a Blue Whale which emphasizes how majestic this animal is. Martin also adds some whale facts at the end of the book, information which will be of interest to those who want to learn more about these animals.
Recently retired, Tamara Opar is the former Youth Services Head Librarian, Children’s and Teen Services at the Millennium Branch of Winnipeg Public Library.