Evaluating Arguments About Sports and Entertainment

Evaluating Arguments About Sports and Entertainment
Many college athletes get an athletic scholarship, which covers their school tuition and fees. They are also often provided, free of charge, with tutors, trainers, and doctors. Professional athletes pay as much as $3,000 per week for the same services. Forbes magazine estimates that college athletes receive between $50,000 and $125,000 through scholarships. This should be payment enough.
Evaluating Arguments About Sports and Entertainment is part of Crabtree’s new series, “State Your Case”. This series teaches readers how to construct an effective argument using six steps.
1. Identify your core argument, where you stand on an issue.
2. State your claims that support the core argument.
3. Give detailed reasons to support your claims.
4. Support your reasons with credible evidence.
5. Counter claims from the opposite point of view.
6. Finish with a strong restatement of your main argument.
Students are then guided to evaluate three current high-interest topics to determine whether each side of a topic has presented a strong argument considering the core arguments, claims, reasons, evidence, counterclaims, and conclusion.
Evaluating Arguments About Sports and Entertainment follows the standard format for nonfiction: table of contents, text and photographs, glossary, additional resources, an index, and a short biography about the author. Also included is an extensive bibliography supporting each of the three argument topics.
The three topics that students evaluate in Evaluating Arguments About Sports and Entertainmen are “Should Schools Cut Funding for Sports Teams?”, “Are Electronic Games Time-Wasters?”, and “Should Athletes Who Use Banned Drugs Lose Their Medals?’. Arguments for and against each topic are presented and then summarized. Students are reminded, “When it comes to any issue, you need to look at arguments on both sides before you decide where you stand”. Students are then asked to “state your own case”.
Following the format of the book, I am going to present my reasons for and against purchasing Evaluating Arguments About Sports and Entertainment.
Information on what makes a good argument and how to critically evaluate an argument is clear and age-appropriate.
Information on the three forms of rhetoric is clear and includes an example for students to use to practice identifying the forms of rhetoric.
Photos show a diversity of people engaged in sports and entertainment related activities.
Topics for discussion are high-interest and should engage students.
A few Canadian statistics are used in two of the three argument topics.
The information in the introduction and the organization used in Evaluating Arguments About Sports and Entertainment are consistent with the information and organization in the other books in the “State Your Case” series, making these books well suited to use in small groups.
Photos are sometimes blurry.
Photo captions are sometimes confusing or incomplete.
Research cited and examples are frequently from US sources.
The differences between Canadian and American sports in college and university are not made clear.
The information in the introduction and the organization used in Evaluating Arguments About Sports and Entertainment is so consistent with the other books in the “State Your Case” series that you may only want to purchase one book from the series.
Note: The text in the first two chapters of each book in the series is almost word for word identical, with different examples inserted to demonstrate the points made in the content. It is hard to understand how two different authors could claim to have written these books.
The information on creating and evaluating arguments is useful content for Grade 5-9 students. Although some of the content is applicable to Canadian students, most of the research and examples are American.
If you are looking for a book to help your students write and recognize effective arguments based on logic and evidence, Evaluating Arguments About Sports and Entertainment may be worth considering only if you need to have something about sports. Otherwise, there are better choices.
Dr. Suzanne Pierson instructs librarianship courses at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario.