#MeToo Movement
#MeToo Movement
Affecting Everyone
In 2017, the movement expanded after numerous women broke their silence about sexual abuse and harassment in the workplace. Over time, the movement has come to mean different things to different people. It has grown well beyond its original intent and has reached people all over the world, regardless of their gender, class, race, age, and religion.
You likely have a lot of questions about the Me Too movement. You may even have experienced sexual harassment or abuse yourself, or know someone who has. If you are wondering what you can do to help, you first need to learn the facts and understand the impact of the movement so you can become an informed citizen.
If I could give this book a 5+ stars out of 5, I would. Like the other books in the “Get Informed – Stay Informed” series, #MeToo Movement hits all the right buttons. It is written at the right level, with relevant, up-to-date information on an issue that needs to be discussed by today’s students to prepare them to be tomorrow’s citizens and leaders.
Most importantly, it is aimed at the right audience – all students. This is not a book written to appeal mainly to girls/females. If it was, it would be missing half the audience that needs to become informed and stay informed about gender equity and abuses of power.
Often, men are not sure how to respond to the Me Too movement. In October 2017, they accounted for only 29 percent of the key #MeToo conversation.
The value of the books in this series is two-fold. First, there is a clear overview of the importance of the issue with some background and context clearly presented. Second, the books explain the importance of becoming astute gatherers and users of information and then go on to teach students some important information literacy skills.
Quality versus Quantity
Information literacy skills are essential for navigating Internet sites, special interest group reports, magazine articles, and other sources to find valid, authentic information of good quality.
You might think having more information is better, but that is not necessarily the case. If you do not have quality information, the quantity does not matter. Information literacy is the basis of lifelong learning. By acquiring the tools you need to search for quality content, you can thoroughly investigate and understand an issue.
Each book in the series stresses the need to stay informed as issues continue to develop and encourages and empowers students to make their own decisions and ask their own questions.
In addition to the websites, books, and documentaries listed in the “Find Out More” section at the back of the book, there are reminder points to help students critically evaluate the information that they find on the Internet.
Since the MeToo Movement began in the United States, it is not surprising that the majority of the information and the examples are from American sources. However, #MeToo Movement includes statistics and examples from around the world, establishing the Me Too Movement as a global issue. The book includes some Canadian information and statistics, such as, “According to a survey in Canada, 94 percent of adult workers asked believed sexual harassment was not a problem in their workplace. However, it seems 80 percent of harassment cases go unreported.”
#MeToo Movement is outstanding. Buy it if you can. Your students, aka the world’s future leaders, need it.
Suzanne Pierson, a former teacher-librarian, is currently instructing Library courses at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario.