Digital Data Security

Digital Data Security
The Big Picture
Digital data security involves protecting computers from a breach. Breaches happen when a person or company gains unauthorized access to view, share, or use sensitive, confidential, or protected information. Personal information, such as social security and credit card numbers as well as medical histories, is often the target of data breaches. Many people are targeted by cybercriminals and do not even realize it. However, identity theft is just one potential negative consequence of a data breach.”
“Hacker”, “Firewall”, “Phishing”, “Spyware”, “Virus”, “Trojan”, “Network”, “Cyberattack”, “Malware”, “Internet”.
These words all appear on the cover of Digital Data Security which is part of the “Get Informed – Stay Informed” series. The hooded, masked figure staring at a computer screen completes the ominous message that the internet can be a scary place.
In a time when social networks and on-line shopping are so pervasive, it is vital that students are both aware of the dangers on-line and skilled at protecting their digital data security.
Like the other books in the series “Get Informed – Stay Informed”, Digital Data Security begins with a comprehensive overview of the importance of the issue with some background and context clearly presented.
Three types of boxes within the book contain questions to guide students to think critically about the issue.
“The Central Issues Learning about the main points of information.
What’s At Stake
Helping you determine how the issue will affect you.
Ask Your Own Questions
Prompts to address gaps in your understanding.
Digital Data Security follows the standard non-fiction format: Contents, Glossary, Source Notes, Find Out More, and an Index.
In addition to a list of relevant websites, and books, the “Find Out More” section includes reminder points to help students critically evaluate the information that they find on the Internet. For example, “Who is the author of the page? Is it an expert in the field or a person who experienced the event?”
“Digital Data Security examines data security as a global issue and guides students to take responsibility to create personal solutions. Chapters are organized to move the focus from an understanding of the background issue of “Global Security Risks” to “How to Get Informed”, ending with “Plan of Action”. In the final chapter students will “Develop your own news diet. Tips for searching for key information on the Internet. How to avoid being a victim of cybercrime”.
I highly recommend Digital Data Security for every school library collection. It not only informs readers about the current state of affairs but provides them with the tools and skills to get informed and stay informed about this ongoing issue.
Dr. Suzanne Pierson, a former teacher-librarian, currently instructs Library courses at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario.